
sine qua non



sine qua non为短语/超纲词汇

近义词, 同义词

sine qua non

/,sɪneɪ kwɑ: 'nəʊn; `sɪnɪ kwɑ `non/
(fml 文) essential condition; thing that is absolutely necessary 必要条件; 必不可少的事物
*Patience is a sine qua non for a good teacher. 做个优秀教师必不可少的条件是要有耐心.

sine qua non

n [singular]formal
[Date: 1600-1700; Language: Late Latin;Origin:'without which not']
something that you must have, or which must exist, before something else can happen
sine qua non for/of
 The control of inflation is a sine qua non for economic stability.